- 2024Aug19–23Add to calendar
Providence, RI, USA Spectral Analysis of Schrödinger Operators
ICERM Workshop
The central theme of this workshop is the analysis and computation of Schrödinger operators and applications to nonlinear problems in several areas of Mathematical Physics, Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, Quantum Chemistry and more. The simplest, most basic example, of such an operator is of the form H = −∆+V on an appropriate Hilbert space, and their Dirac analogues. This workshop aims to bring together experts in numerical studies, physical modeling, and applications of theoretical analysis to Schrödinger operators, to compare and contrast the different ideas, various tools and methods developed, as well as their implementation and usage by different communities.
- 2024Aug11–15Add to calendar
University of Kent, Canterbury, United Kingdom International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications (IWOTA)
The IWOTA conference series is the largest and most important annual event in operator the- ory and its applications. IWOTA aims to bring together leading international experts from pure mathematics and application areas to trace the future development in operator theory and related areas such as complex analysis, harmonic analysis, linear algebra, random matrix theory and math- ematical physics, as well as their applications, including control theory, signal processing and AI. IWOTA 2024 will take place August 12-16 at the University of Kent in Canterbury, UK. It will provide a medium for an intense exchange of new results, information and opinions, and for international collaboration in operator theory and its applications worldwide. It will further set directions for future research through the conference activities and proceedings, and also make plans for future IWOTA conferences.
- 2024Aug05–17Add to calendar
Online Analysis and Mathematical Physics
Analysis and Mathematical Physics will be an online conference aiming to bring together leading experts and young researchers from all over the world who work or are interested in mathematical problems within the context of mathematical physics. AMP conference's purpose is also to facilitate the exchange of ideas and help develop existing and future scientific collaborations. There will be several lectures on the topics; there will be no charge to speakers or participants, but registration is required. AMP conference will be an online event from August 5 to 17th, 2024, on a ZOOM webinar broadcast live on Facebook and YouTube IIMAS' institutional channels. The conference will concentrate on the following topics in mathematical analysis within the context of mathematical physics: ⬢ Direct and inverse spectral and scattering theory for differential and difference equations and for systems of such equations ⬢ Differential operators on spatial networks ⬢ Differential operators on closed sets ⬢ Inverse problems for nonlocal operators ⬢ Orthogonal polynomials, Jacobi and CMV matrices ⬢ Quantum graphs ⬢ Applications of spectral and scattering theory to quantum mechanics and plasma physics
- 2024Aug05–09Add to calendar
Providence, RI, USA Simulating Extreme Spacetimes with SpEC and SpECTRE
ICERM Workshop
Our weeklong program includes two contemporaneous activities: (i) a focused SpEC and SpECTRE code developers meeting and (ii) a SpECTRE workshop. The code developers' meeting will bring together researchers who are actively developing these codebases. The SpECTRE workshop aims to provide graduate students, postdocs, and faculty with the tools needed to install, run, and contribute to the open-source code SpECTRE. Our SpECTRE workshop will cover topics such as the generalized harmonic formulation of the Einstein field equation, general relativistic hydrodynamics, the discontinuous Galerkin method with finite volume sub-cells, the Cauchy characteristic extraction method, installing, running, and visualizing numerical simulations, and how to get involved with code development.
- 2024Jul28–Aug01Add to calendar
Cetraro (CS, Italy) CIME School "Calabi-Yau varieties"
Scientific Directors: - Simone Diverio, Sapienza Univ. Roma, Italy - Vincent Guedj, Univ. Paul Sabatier Toulouse, France - Hoang Chinh Lu, Univ. Angers, France Lectures: - Eleonora Di Nezza, Sorbonne Univ. Paris, France; and Valentino Tosatti, Courant Inst. New-York, US - Singular Calabi–Yau metrics - Henri Guenancia, CNRS and IMT Toulouse, France - Beauville–Bogomolov decomposition - Roberto Svaldi, Univ. Milano, Italy - Boundedness questions for Calabi–Yau varieties - Sébastien Boucksom, CNRS and IMJ Paris, France - Metric SYZ conjecture - Tristan Collins, MIT, US - Conifold transitions
- 2024Jul28–Aug01Add to calendar
Bremen, Germany Dynamics Days Europe 2024
Dynamics Days Europe is a series of major international conferences founded in the 1980's that provides a European forum for developments in the theory and applications of dynamics. For more than 40 years, it has been bringing together researchers from a wide range of backgrounds including physics, mathematics, biology, and engineering for interdisciplinary research in dynamical systems theory and applications. Dynamics Days Europe 2024 will take place in Bremen, July 29-August 2, 2024: The webpage features a mailing list via which updates about DDays 2024 will be posted on a regular basis. A registration for participation and contribution is necessary. Please check the webpage for instructions and registration fees. Conference topics include ergodic theory, topological and homogeneous dynamics, dynamics on graphs, machine learning, bifurcation theory, dynamics and geometry, nonlinear waves, fluids, computational methos, medical and neuro-dynamics, and more. Confirmed plenary speakers are Viviane Baladi, Hillel Furstenberg, Ursula Hamenstädt, Jürgen Kurths, Viola Priesemann, Omri Sarig, Vlad Vicol, and more to come. Contact:
- 2024Jul28–Aug01Add to calendar
Budapest, Hungary Second Analysis Mathematica Conference
This event is to promote the 50-years-old journal Analysis Mathematica and provides a good opportunity for professors and young researchers, current or future authors of Analysis Mathematica to present their results and to foster possible collaborations.
- 2024Jul23–25Add to calendar
Bremen, Germany Summer School: Data-driven Dynamical Systems
Summer School
The goal of this summer school is to explore topics like Koopman and transfer operator theory, data-driven approximations and kernel analog forecasting. This summer school targets advanced Master students, PhD students and young researchers who are interested in the intersection of dynamical systems and machine learning. It takes place at the University of Bremen, July 24 - 26, 2024. Main speakers are Dimitrios Giannakis (Dartmouth College, USA), Stefan Klus (Heriot-Watt University, UK), and Caroline Wormell (University of Sydney, AUS). Organizers are Annika Osmers, Anke Pohl, Friederike Preuße, and Renu Yadav (all University of Bremen, Germany). The participation is free of charge but with prior registration. If you want to give a short talk and/or a poster presentation, please mention it in the registration form.
- 2024Jul22–Aug02Add to calendar
Providence, RI, USA Empowering a Diverse Computational Mathematics Research Community
ICERM Workshop
The goal of this two-week research and professional development workshop is to support the retention and success of junior and mid-career computational mathematicians who are from groups that are underrepresented in the field. Participants will forge strong collaborations in mentored research groups and engage in professional development via no-lead learning communities. The larger goal of the workshop is to form a positive, diverse community of researchers who are committed to supporting each other’s professional and scholarly growth. This research collaborative effort is run in collaboration with the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, which will provide support for sustained interaction and collaboration even beyond the two-week workshop.
- 2024Jul21–25Add to calendar
University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal) Regularity theory and free boundary problems: from PDE to interfaces
Satellite Event, ECM2024
On the occasion of the European Congress of Mathematics ECM2024, we are organising a Satellite Conference in Coimbra (Portugal) entitled ‘Regularity theory and free boundary problems: from PDE to interfaces’. The Satellite aims to gather international, top-level researchers working in partial differential equations and related topics. Among the subjects covered by the scientific program, we highlight regularity theory for quasilinear equations (including degenerate models), fully nonlinear PDE, transmission and free transmission problems, equations arising in differential geometry and probability, and regularity theory in the calculus of variations and applications. The scientific program consists of mini-courses, plenary lectures and contributed talks.