Congratulations to Bhargav Bhatt (Michigan), winner of the 2021 Clay Research Award. The award recognises his groundbreaking achievements in commutative algebra, arithmetic algebraic geometry, and topology in the p-adic setting. More details here (link).
The EMS is sad to hear of the recent death of Jacques Tits, Emeritus Professor at Collège de France, and winner with John Thompson of the 2008 Abel Prize.
The 2022 AMS-EMS Mikhail Gordin Prize is awarded to Semyon Dyatlov for his work on quantum chaos, scattering theory and, in particular, differentiable dynamical systems. This prize is awarded jointly with the American Mathematical Society (AMS). For more details, including a biographical sketch of, and repsonse from the laureate, see the announcement on the AMS Webpage (link).
At the meeting of the Council of the European Mathematical Society to be held in Bled in Summer 2022 there will be elections to the following positions in the Executive Committee (EC):
One Vice President
A possible election of Members-at-Large may follow, if the above positions are filled with candidates from the current EC.
News from the Georgian Mathematical Union: The Tbilisi Mathematical Journal has recently been relaunched with a new name, Advanced Studies: Euro-Tbilisi Mathematical Journal (ASETMJ). The journal has begun a serious effort to raise the standards of its papers, broaden its coverage, and increase its reputation in order to make it more attractive to authors and subscribers alike as a wide-ranging resource for investigators around the world. The relaunch includes a newly designed website (link). The journal is the official journal of the Tblisi Center for Mathematical Sciences.
The European Kovalevskaya Travel Grants support graduate students, postdocs and other early career mathematicians who would like to attend the International Congress of Mathematicians ICM 2022, to be held 6-14 July 2022 in St. Petersburg, Russia. The deadline for applications is 15th October 2021. Click here for more information.