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  • 2024Apr1718
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  • 2024Apr1519
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    Providence, RI, USA

    Nonlocality: Challenges in Modeling and Simulation


    This workshop focuses on the modeling, analysis, approximation, and applications of nonlocal equations, which have raised new challenges to mathematical modeling, numerical analysis, and their computational implementation. Invited speakers and participants will bring expertise from a wide range of related fields, including mathematical and numerical analysis of nonlocal and fractional equations, numerical methods and discretization schemes, multiscale modeling, adaptivity, machine learning, software implementation, peridynamics modeling of material failure and damage, nonlocal and fractional modeling of anomalous heat and mass diffusion, and several engineering and scientific applications in which nonlocal modeling is useful.

  • 2024Apr15Jun19
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    Montreal, Canada

    Semester in Geometric Analysis

    Series of conferences and summer school

    This semester-long program in geometric analysis will focus mostly on complex geometry and Kähler geometry, but with the occasional excursion into real geometry. While the inspiration has deep geometrical roots, the tools are to a large degree those of partial differential equations. A lot of the activity will centre on six workshops: PDEs in Complex Geometry (April 15-19, 2024) Special Riemannian Metrics in Dimensions 6,7,8 (April 22-26, 2024) Analysis of Geometric Singularities (May 13-17, 2024) Moduli Spaces and Singularities (May 20-24, 2024) Current Trends in Kähler Metrics with Special Curvature Properties (June 17-21, 2024) Current Trends in Geometric Flows (June 25-29, 2024) The semester will coordinate with the Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures (SMS). This school, a Montreal tradition, has been providing high-level training for graduate students since 1960, with some of the very top leaders in the field as lecturers. In 2024, the topic is: Flows and Variational Methods in Riemannian and Complex Geometry: Classical and Modern Methods (June 3-14, 2024).

  • 2024Apr1416
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    Newcastle University, UK

    Young Functional Analysts' Workshop 2024


    Briefly, the objective of the Young Functional Analysts' Workshop (YFAW) is to provide an inclusive forum for PhD students and early career researchers in Functional Analysis and related fields within which they can showcase their research, form collaboration networks, and interact with established mathematicians, all within a positive atmosphere. Our invited speakers are Dr Sabine Boegli (Durham University), Dr Evgenios Kakariadis (Newcastle University), Dr Eleftherios Kastis (Lancaster University), Dr David Seifert (Newcastle University) and Dr Runlian Xia (University of Glasgow). They will deliver talks on the topics of operator algebras, operator semigroups, function spaces, spectral theory, and rigidity theory and we expect several research short talks and/or posters from PhD students and early career researchers. If you are interested in presenting your research, rehearsing your viva presentation, strengthening your CV with a research talk, or just attending, then we would be pleased to have you at YFAW 2024! For any queries, please contact

  • Online

    The 2nd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium


    The 2nd International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS) will be held on Saturday, April 13, 2024. This is a free conference welcoming high school, community college, undergraduate, and graduate students to present their mathematics and statistics research, explore current research topics, and connect with like-minded enthusiasts. Abstract submission and registration deadlines are on March 22. While presenters must be students, all are welcome to attend. Visit the event website for more details and share the experience with fellow students and colleagues.

  • 2024Apr0709
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    Lerici, Italy

    Differential Geometry Workshop in Lerici


    The scientific theme of the workshop is the study of topological and geometric properties of complex manifolds, and, more generally, of manifolds endowed with “special” geometric structures, either integrable or non-integrable. In particular, topics include: - cohomological properties of complex manifolds; - "special" metrics on Hermitian and Kählerian manifolds; - complex Monge-Ampère equations; - geometric flows on Kählerian and Hermitian manifolds; - homogeneous manifolds with "special" structures.

  • 2024Apr0305
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    University of Le Havre Normandie - Le Havre Cedex, France



    MAF2024 fosters collaboration between mathematicians and statisticians, to facilitate the development of theoretical and methodological advancements, as well as their applications. MAF024 also promotes participation from both academicians and practitioners.

  • 2024Apr0104
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    Modern Aspects of Harmonic Analysis on Lie Groups

    Spring School

    We aim on bringing together young researchers as PhD students and early career postdocs with experts in various areas of harmonic analysis on Lie groups. Proposed topics as calculus on nilpotent Lie groups, Lp-Lq-estimates of spectral multipliers and spectral measures, Fourier restriction on Lie groups and wavelets on Lie groups. (For further information and changes in the program see the website and

  • 2024Mar2426
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    Mathematics Münster Mid-term Conference


    The conference is a broad mathematical conference across all areas aimed at the highest standards, organised by the Cluster of Excellence "Mathematics Münster: Dynamics - Geometry - Structure". We would like to draw a picture of current developments in mathematics and get an overview of important results.

  • 2024Mar1822
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    Hamburg/Germany and Fields Institute/Canada

    Transatlantic Workshop on "New Directions in Conformal Field Theory"


    This is a twinned workshop: it is possible to attend either at the University of Hamburg or Fields Institute. The website contains a link for the corresponding Fields Institute website. Please register at the correct website! This conference will bring together communities working on two-dimensional Conformal Field Theory (CFT) from different perspectives, some of which have had only limited interactions so far. We are thinking here specifically of the communities working on the probabilistic approach to CFT, the algebraic & geometric approach to CFT, the operator algebraic approach to CFT, and the theoretical physics approach to 2d CFT.