EMS Mini-Digest, Nr 47
The EMS Digest is currently being remodelled, following the retirement (with all of our thanks!) of the previous editor Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel. We had hoped it would be back by now, but the new editor and new format are still being put in place. So, in the mean-time we present another "mini-digest": a less-comprehensive round-up of mathematical news.

EMS Magazine
The June 2023 edition of the EMS Magazine is available online, free to read on the EMS Website (link). Some highlights follow below.
EMS Prizes - calls open
The calls for nominations for the EMS Mathematics Prizes, the Felix Klein Prize (for mathematical solutions of industrial problems), and the Otto Neugebauer prize (for History of Mathematics) are all now live. These will be presented at the European Congress of Mathematics in Sevilla in July 2024. Information about, deadlines, and eligibility criteria are available on this page (link.)
Balkan and Nordic Meetings
Two major EMS-supported meetings have taken place recently: the inaugural Balkan Mathematics Conference, was held on 1st July in Pitești, Romania. More information here (link).
The 29th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians was held 3-7th July in Aalborg, Denmark. This meeting celebrated the 150th anniversary of the Danish Mathematical Society, founded 1873. More information here (link).
The 9th European Congress of Mathematics will be held 15-19 July 2024 in Sevilla (Spain). The call for satellite conference proposals is open until the end of July 2023 (link).
The call for minisymposia is open until 15 November 2023 (link).
ERCOM (European Research Centres on Mathematics)
The ERCOM Committee held is annual meeting 24-25 March in Prague, Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, with over 50 attendees representing over 20 mathematical research centres around Europe along with guests including the EMS President and ICIAM President Elect. Presentations and points of discussion included
- address by EMS President
- presentations of the Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academy of Sciences and of the Istituto Nazionale Alta Matematica F. Severi
- a session with several talks on how centers are evaluated and how one wishes they would be evaluated followed by break-out discussion panels
- a session on the new scientific publishing models
- presentation of three new candidate centers for membership to ERCOM.
Public Outreach and Engagement Committee (formerly RPA)
The committee previously known as the committee for Raising Public Awareness of mathematics (RPA), has changed its name to the Public Outreach and Engagement Committee.
The committee is planning a new prize for work in mathematics outreach. More details on this exciting development will follow in the coming weeks.
Committee for Applications and Interdisciplinary Relations (CAIR)
The CAIR committee the EMS together with ECMI (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry), in cooperation with the ERC Mathematics Panel coordinator Maria Gonzalez, are organizing an online webinar on ERC funding opportunities in Mathematics and the ERC evaluation process. The presentation will include contributions from ERC grant holders. It will be held on Zoom on September 19, 2023 at 11am (CET).
Meeting details:
Link: https://maths-cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/j/92899777272 pwd=a2FrMS84TzlJN3EwWmV1U0swMUozUT09
Meeting ID: 928 9977 7272
Passcode: 373722
Other News
Talking Maths in Public Meeting
A meeting "Talking Maths in Public" will be held at University of Newcastle (UK) at and online, 31st August – 2nd September. (Some financial support available - the deadline to apply for this is 22nd July.) For more information see www.talkingmathsinpublic.uk
Call for Applications for Tandem-Workshops 2024 Oberwolfach-RIMS and MATRIX-Oberwolfach
Together with the Australian Mathematical Research Institute MATRIX and the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) in Kyoto, the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (MFO) is planning two Tandem-Workshops. The workshops will take place in the week 22-28 September 2024. At each institute the participants can interact in the usual way locally and in addition share joint lectures and discussions with the participants at the tandem institute via videoconferencing. Applications can be submitted until 31 August 31 2023. The details of the calls are on the MFO: MATRIX-MFO Tandem-Workshop link and MFO-RIMS Tandem-Workshop link.
World Federation of National Mathematics Competitions (WFNMC) Mini-conference
The WFNMC is pleased to announce its next mini-conference, planned for 6 July 2024 in Sydney, Australia, just before the International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-15) (link). No attendance fees for the mini-conference are currently planned.
The call for proposals for talks is open. Proposals should be 50-100 words long and include a title and the name and affiliation of the presenter. The lengths of talks will likely be 20-30 minutes. The deadlines for proposals is December 31st, 2023. Please send your proposals to the organizing committee at krzysztof [DOT] ciesielski [[AT]] im [DOT] uj [DOT] edu [DOT] pl, with subject line "WFNMC mini conference proposal". For more information about WFNMC, click here (link).
EMS Press
New books:
Laplacians on Infinite Graphs by Aleksey Kostenko and Noema Nicolussi. As part of our Memoirs series, this is available to read for free online now, and to purchase in print. Click here for more information (link).
Hurwitz’s Lectures on the Number Theory of Quaternions by Nicola Oswald and Jörn Steuding. Available to purchase in print and digital now. Click here for more information (link).
An Invitation to Optimal Transport, Wasserstein Distances, and Gradient Flows (Second Edition) by Alessio Figalli and Federico Glaudo. The second edition contains a number of additions, such as a new section on the Brunn–Minkowski inequality. Available to purchase in print and ebook. Click here for more information (link).
The Limiting Absorption Principle for Massless Dirac Operators, Properties of Spectral Shift Functions, and an Application to the Witten Index of Non-Fredholm Operators, by Alan Carey, Fritz Gesztesy, Galina Levitina, Roger Nichols, Fedor Sukochev, and Dmitriy Zanin. Online to the Memoirs series access is free via our Subscribe to Open programme, and it's also available for purchase in print. Click here for more information (link).
Bayesian Non-Linear Statistical Inverse Problems by Richard Nickl. Available in print and online at. Click here for more information (link).
EMS Magazine
Some highlights of June latest edition of the EMS Magazine (link):
A message from EMS President Jan Philip Solovej (link). Jan Philip is now nearly 6 months into his presidency. Read his insights into our society and plans for its future.
A new paradigm for artificial intelligence based on group equivariant non-expansive operators by Alessandra Micheletti (link). An article on recent progress in eXplainable artificial intelligence (XAI) – AI that humans can understand – as opposed to black-box learning systems where even their designers cannot explain AI decisions.
On the dynamics of dilute gases by Thierry Bodineau, Isabelle Gallagher, Laure Saint-Raymond, Sergio Simonella (link) English translation of the paper “Sur la dynamique des gaz dilués” published in La Gazette des Mathématiciens.
Stable homotopy groups by Guozhen Wang and Zhouli Xu (link).
Gene Calabi at 100 – Memorable encounters with Eugenio Calabi by Jean-Pierre Bourguignon and Balázs Szendrői (link).. Assorted personal reminiscences about Eugenio Calabi on the occasion of his 100th birthday!
“My sincere condolences” - After the death of Henri Poincaré (July–December 1912) by Laurent Rollet (link). - insights from the Archives Henri Poincaré in Nancy.
Plus much more. So please click through and read!
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