EMS Magazine No. 122
The latest edition of the EMS Magazine is out now, and free to read online! (Link here).
Highlights include:
EMS President Volker Mehrmann, in a short message (link), writes about a crisis in mathematical communication, and asks for feedback on 4 major questions that "concern the future of our profession in a fundamental way".
In "From Hilbert’s 13th problem to essential dimension and back" (link) Zinovy Reichstein writes about recent developments in a mathematical story studied by the ancient Greeks, and advanced by the work of Ruffini, Abel and Galois in the early 19th century.
An interview with 2021 Abel Prize Laureates László Lovász and Avi Wigderson (link). In this wide-ranging interview the prizewinners discuss their own lives and work, why P v NP is such an important question, whether science is under pressure, and much more.
Oscar García-Prada remembers Mudumbai Seshachalu Narasimhan (link) who died this year, having made important contributions to algebraic geometry, differential geometry, representation theory of Lie groups and analysis.
In "Teaching school mathematics to prospective teachers" (link), Hung-Hsi Wu argues that "we should teach [prospective schoolteachers] exactly what they need for their work: school mathematics".
In Her Maths Story – Sharing stories of women in mathematics in all walks of life (link) Joana Grah, Tamara Grossmann, Julia Kroos discuss Her Maths Story (external link) which "strives to bring light to the variety of careers, non-linear paths and individual decision-making processes of women mathematicians in today’s society".
There's plenty more too, so click through (link) and have a read!
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