Photo by Jim Høyer, University of Copenhagen


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It’s now been nearly half a year since I took over as president of the EMS. It’s been a busy time, with lots of new challenges, and I admit that there are many aspects of the EMS that were new to me and with which I have had to become acquainted. During my time as president, I have met and interacted with many research mathematicians and administrative staff from all over Europe who work for the EMS in one capacity or another. It has been truly incredible to see the enthusiasm with which all these people contribute to and support the EMS; our society would not be what it is without them. I would, in particular, like to highlight the work that is being done in all the EMS standing committees.1 As part of becoming better acquainted with the EMS I have participated in the meetings of several of the committees already and plan to visit them all by the end of the year. It has been a great experience to see all the important work being done and I want to take this opportunity to make sure that we at EMS acknowledge the great efforts invested by the many committee members.

This spring the EMS elected the first group of 30 members of its new European Mathematical Society Young Academy EMYA.2 I participated in their first meeting and I am looking forward to seeing how they will contribute to and benefit from EMS in the future. I have high expectations for the Academy. The next deadline for nominations by full and institutional members of the EMS is 31 July 2023.3 Members are elected for four years and EMYA will eventually have approximately 120 members.

The preparations are well under way for the 9th European Congress of Mathematics in Seville in July 2024.4 Please save the date and join us in Seville. The call for hosting the 10th ECM has been published with a deadline of 30 June 2023.5

The long-term EMS Digest editor Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel has decided to retire; we are very grateful for all the great work Mireille has done. We are in the process of remodelling the digest and hope to be able to present it in a new form before too long.

We are also working on our membership database with improved accessibility options, and we hope to be able to present it this fall.

Finally, while EMS has a very strong base of corporate member societies, it is my hope that the EMS can grow its base of individual members. In order for EMS to become a strong united voice for mathematicians across Europe we need continued support and hard work from individuals. We are therefore beginning a campaign to enlist more members. Most of you reading this message are, I hope, individual members of EMS. Please encourage your colleagues to join us.

Moreover, if you are not already following the EMS online I encourage you to please join me in following the EMS on social media: Twitter,6 Facebook,7 LinkedIn,8 and (new!) Mastodon.9

I hope you will enjoy reading this issue of the EMS Magazine. It is available online and we hope that most members are happy accessing it in this way. It would save the EMS a substantial amount of money if we do not have to mail a lot of hardcopies of the magazine.

Jan Philip Solovej

President of the EMS

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Cite this article

Jan Philip Solovej, A message from the president. Eur. Math. Soc. Mag. 128 (2023), p. 3

DOI 10.4171/MAG/145
This open access article is published by EMS Press under a CC BY 4.0 license, with the exception of logos and branding of the European Mathematical Society and EMS Press, and where otherwise noted.