EMS Handbook
3.2 EMS Publicity Officer
The Publicity Officer (PO) is responsible for the following:
Regular physical publicity
Flyers, posters, copies of the EMS Magazine should be present at all EMS sponsored (or endorsed) meetings. In most cases the PO arranges this by sending the organiser materials by post.
Where appropriate (for example for EMS Summer Schools), the PO should also email organisers the EMS logos (for their own publicity) and the EMS PowerPoint Presentation (and/or pdf) presentation in the expectation that it will be shown during the meeting (it takes ≤5 minutes and does not require any specialist knowledge).
It is also desirable that the EMS has a presence at other major mathematical meetings, including ICM and ICIAM. Usually this will be done jointly with EMS Press.
It is the job of the PO (in consultation with the President or whole Executive Committee) to revise, create, update, reprint all the publicity materials just mentioned, as the need arises.
Regular online publicity
It is the job of the PO to run the EMS social media accounts (at time of writing Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube), including maintaining any subsidiary accounts (at time of writing there is one Twitter account posting automatically from EMS RSS feeds: EMS Jobs). Examples of good practice include: publicising any EMS-specific or EMS-related news, circulating major breaking maths news stories, publicising EMS events & activities (meetings, calls, activities of standing committees), promoting other EMS channels (e.g. EMS Press, ECM accounts, items on EMS webpage), monitoring the activities of other maths social media accounts (especially those of our member societies and institutions), and recirculating their material when appropriate. Note that it is not the primary aim of the EMS social media accounts to circulate recreational mathematical content, though this might be appropriate occasionally.
The PO is not principally responsible for the maintenance of the EMS webpage but should participate in discussion of its use and development and seek to integrate the social media and webpage into a coherent online presence.
The PO should ensure the EMS Wikipedia page remains up to date.
Society Meetings (Executive Committee, Presidents, Council)
The PO is a permanent guest of the EC and is expected generally to attend such meetings. They are responsible for ensuring that group photos are taken at these occasions, circulating such photos, and maintaining the photo collection. The PO is also expected to produce a report of Council and Executive Committee Meetings (major meeting, typically biannual, not including shorter ad hoc meetings) for the EMS Magazine (this can be thought of as an extract from the minutes, with some added flavour).
Other or ad hoc publicity
The PO should keep an open eye for publicity opportunities. Examples might include letter-writing campaigns, writing articles promoting the EMS in other venues (such as the newsletters of member societies), speaking about the EMS, exploring new channels, etc. These may be undertaken in collaboration with members of the EC or other appropriate individuals.