EMS Handbook: Standing Committees
2.3.7 European Solidarity
The purpose of the committee is to support mathematical activities in economically less favoured regions within the geographical area of the EMS membership, in order to look for equalizing the mathematical level in all the countries. Travel grant applications and Event funding requests must be submitted online via the committee page: https://euromathsoc.org/committee-european-solidarity. The deadlines for applications are January 31 and September 30. The final financial decision is made by the EMS Executive Committee in the regular meetings (or in exceptional circumstances via an electronic vote). Evaluation rules for travel grant applications:
- The grants can be from Europe to Europe or from Europe to outside of Europe, with preference for the first type. The applicant should be from a less favoured European country. The applicant can be working in that country, not necessarily being a citizen. For applicants with several affiliations the main one is counted. There is a world list of less favoured countries updated every year.
- Scientific quality. The quality will be evaluated according to the material submitted.
- Experience. Preference should be given to early career researchers, defined by up to ten years after obtaining the PhD, but senior applicants with enough justification are also possible candidates.