EMS Handbook: Standing Committees
2.3.5 ERCOM
ERCOM (European Research Centres on Mathematics) is a Committee of EMS. It is a forum of Scientific Directors and Administrators, or their chosen representatives, of research centres in the mathematical sciences spanning the whole of Europe. ERCOM aims to contribute to the unity of Mathematics, from fundamentals to applications. The ERCOM Committee meets at least once annually and the research centres cover its expenses.
Only European centres which are institutional members of the EMS, predominantly research oriented, with an international scientific board and a large international visiting programme, covering a broad area of the Mathematical Sciences are eligible for representation in ERCOM. The eligibility of centres is decided by the EC after consultations with ERCOM.
The purposes of ERCOM are:
- to constitute a forum for communications and exchange of information between the centres themselves and EMS;
- to promote and ensure best practise across the centres;
- to foster collaboration and coordination between the centres themselves and EMS;
- to foster advanced research training on a European level;
- to advise the EC on matters relating to activities of the centres;
- to contribute to the visibility of the EMS;
- to cultivate contacts with similar research centres within and outside Europe.
The chair of ERCOM is nominated by the committee and approved by the EC. The chair of ERCOM proposes a vice-chair who is nominated by ERCOM and approved by the EC. The terms of office for each are four years, with the possibility of re-appointment for another two-year period.