2.2.4 Tasks of the Treasurer
The European Mathematical Society is registered in Finland and follows Finnish law. The Office of the EMS is located at the University of Helsinki. The Treasurer is the head of the Office. EMS is a customer of the Finnish Nordea Bank, where the cash funds of EMS are deposited. Nordea also gives investment advice to EMS. An accounting company takes care of the book-keeping.
The responsibilities of the treasurer include:
- preparing the budget to be presented to the Executive Committee and approved by the Council
- preparing the annual financial statements to be approved by the Executive Committee and sent to the auditors
- overseeing the financial development of EMS
- keeping up-to-date records as well as an audit trail for all transactions
- making sure the EMS complies with tax regulations
- keeping the Executive Committee informed about the financial situation of EMS by regularly giving financial reports
- advising the Executive Committee on financial strategy and fundraising